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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Legalize it!

marijuana is money
I can't believe that weed is still illegal.  I know all the different sides of the debate and all I have to say is that I've been smokin' tha shit for a long time now and I am a productive member of society who has managed to stay off of anxiety medication by occasionally puffing on tha herb.  Now am being forced to quit in order to submit to a mandatory physical & drug screening at my job.  It's crap!!! I don't mind quiting now and again, I do it for a few months out of every year but I hate being forced to quit to prove that I should be allowed to keep my job.  It's bullshit! I guess the best part about it is that they are telling us ahead of time instead of doing a pop whiz quiz.

Don't we have better things to focus on as a society than punishing pot smokers? Alcohol is 100% more dangerous than the most chronic bubonic out there.  Word.

I'm disappointed that weed hasn't been legalized yet, it's not a great commentary on the intelligence of the government.  Look at how much $$$$ people spend on alcohol and cigarettes and how much tax revenue that creates.  It's so simple it's stupid. 

Over and out. 
Transmission ended.