Well, I have a couple things of note to mention, my metals/yeast detox isn't going so well.
The worst part is that I sabotaged myself.
Last night after we got home from work I was noticing my body and paying attention to what felt different. I've read many times that with this sort of detox (most any detox likely) one will feel a lot worse before they feel better and so I wanted to tune in and see what was going on. All day I'd been feeling a light irritation, just feeling.....well, irritable. As the day turned to night and it got later the irritation got worse and I felt a kind of nervous energy as well as a headache that was getting more and more intense as the minutes ticked by. I told myself that this was normal and it meant that the detox was working.
Then came the kick to the stomach, my husband was looking at the spices to see what was acceptable to put in his chili since it wasn't spicy enough. (What a trooper he is doing this with me! Well, he didn't really have a choice since if I have it it's likely he does too and he could pass it back to me if he doesn't cleanse his system properly, damn yeast!!) Anywho, he picked up one of the spices I had used extensively in TWO of the dishes I had prepared for the week and said, "oh, guess I can't use this cause it has sugar in it." My heart sank and tears sprang to my eyes (oh, have I mentioned I'm so overly sensitive that I can hardly stand myself?) and I dramatically boo-hoo'd about how it was all a waste and that I wouldn't be able to start the protocol for another whole week. After I mellowed out a bit I decided it was time to take my pills for the day and that I would just continue on as I had and extend the protocol for an extra week instead of quiting all together.
It was then that the kick to the head came- I noticed in big bold letters on the acidophilus bottle that it was supposed to be refrigerated. I hadn't put it in the fridge, it had been about a month since I bought the stuff. What the hell? I bought the new cookware, read the books, tailored my cooking, everything!! And now it was all falling apart, well, mostly I was falling apart. I felt defeated and very sorry for myself.
I decided to check the mail and see if Solomon had gotten back to me with a day/time for my follow-up appointment. He had.
There are no more appointments left open for 2009.
He stated that I was welcome to show up for a tues/weds and be on 'stand by' and he would try to squeeze me in in between people. I seriously thought I was going to lose it at this point. I have to fly and rent a car and pay for hotel rooms to make this happen and just hanging out for two days waiting to be seen seemed very expensive and also pretty shaky. What if he wasn't able to see me? I only have two days of PTO left, I can only go and wait to be seen for one day. Plus I was supposed to be traveling with other people who wanted to see him as well, what about them?
This was getting to be all too much so I decided to go read some of my favorite blogs and clear my mind. What I ended up finding was so significant and so interesting I just had to share. And just maybe this will mean something to you too as you make your way through this new moon.
I know it made me feel better. This information comes from Owl's Wings blog on the blessings of the new moon in Libra.
Astrologer Lynn Hayes writes, "this New Moon forms a trine to the Chiron/Neptune conjunction, so there is the potential for a cascade of beautiful and soulful healing energy (Chiron/Neptune) that clears the way for the new beginning of the New Moon. (sounds good huh? pretty auspicious beginning!!)
And the kicker:
“However,” she continues, “the New Moon (the conjunction of the Sun and Moon) forms a square to the lunar nodes, suggesting that we will be tested.
All is not lost however:
In addition, another astrologer, Theodore White, tells us: “By the time of the positive October 18th New Moon in Libra, the favorable energies will allow most people to begin to make significant gradual progress deep into the fall season after the delays and frustrations of September and early October.
Okay, so I seem to be right on track with Luna, healing and being tested at the same time during this new moon in Libra. I managed to pull myself together and decided that I am going to pass this test, I am committed to my health. I am also looking forward to the 'significant gradual progress' that needs to take place in my life and with my health. So, although I loathe the thought I'm adding an additional week to my detox. I'm not going off diet and consuming those sweet sugars I crave. Damn.
Oh well, anything worth having is worth working for, right?
I am not happy but I guess this is the gauntlet. Onward and upward.
Hugs to you!! My healing wishes are with you. You're a strong woman and you can do this. :) XOXOXOX
don't let this all bring you down, you'll do great, this freak out may be part of the process...but I don't know. anyways good luck.
thanks guys, you are awesome. thanks for 'listening' it helps :)
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