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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's No Coincidence

Lately my mind has been fixated on my commitment to begin the study & practice of witchcraft.

There's not a lot of time in the day when it isn't at the forefront of my mind. And I think, as such, the Goddess has taken this opportunity to grant me the request made within my first ritual. I sent up a prayer to the Goddess asking her to guide me to a path of spiritual fulfillment.

Today as I was in the kitchen preparing a lengthy recipe I decided to listen to an archived podcast from the ATC Pagan Information Network I had downloaded. There were a total of 22 podcasts. I started to listen to one, stopped it and picked another at random. The topic of discussion ended up being; 'how do I begin on the path to studying Wicca?' Hmmm, interesting. Out of all of them I get this topic.

After I finished my recipe I checked the mail and my books arrived for my seeker classes I will be taking in March. Yipppeee! Interesting timing..... After reading the first chapter in " True Magick" by Amber K I went into the kitchen to make some Chai. On the box was a little snippet of wisdom that echoed what I had just been reading in my book, "Wisdom and faith can remove all obstacles and bestow both worldly and spiritual success and happiness." (~Ganesha~)

I'm convinced. The path is clear to me now. I feel the God/dess speaking to me, moving my in my life.

I am so grateful to feel my eyes opening and my soul waking to the task at hand.
My mantra is; All things are possible through the God/dess. As above, so below.

Blessed Be

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