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Sunday, October 12, 2008

As the wheel turns

Ok, admittedly it didn't take me long to get over it all.

About 3 hours.

I can see the wisdom in this turn of events.

I'm back on my feet and planning a dedicancy ritual of my very own for Samhain.

My year and a day training starts Nov. 1st.

I can see that the Lord & the Lady have seen fit to show me, again, in another way that anything worth having in this life is worth working for. There are no easy answers. It's easy enough to lurch along with classes while under pressure to perform. I squeeked by exceedingly well my whole life. I did during my Seeker classes too. Sometimes I wouldn't do any of the homework until the day/night before.

Depth of understanding & enlightenment won't come that way. I'm going to have to conquer my greatest foe in order to become a real Witch.

My lack of discipline.

There is a reason for everything. A lesson.

To use a phrase the youngsters are all wild about, I got served today.

Even more, my year and a day training will correspond with my impending weight loss/ work out training.

There is a voice speaking to me in the back of my mind, my own little Jiminy Cricket. It says in a tone of voice that I don't much care for "you can run but you can't hide." I've got to get motivated and save myself.

Mission Statement:

To actively work to save myself from a life of boredom, complacency, bad health and over all lack of spiritual fulfillment.

whew. I got myself all excited.

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