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Monday, November 2, 2009

It's the Final Countdown!

One more week until I go back to Solomon and see if this detox has gotten rid of the systemic yeast.

I can't freaking wait.

I'm so nervous I'm going to screw this up, I've been having dreams where I'll be eating something and really enjoying it and then out of the blue I'll realize it has sugar and I can't have sugar and now I've ruined the whole thing and I've already bought plane tickets and what am I going to do now, how could I have screwed this all up.....blah blah blah. You get the point. I'm so freaked out that I've inadvertently messed this detox up. I pray to all that is holy that is not the case because friends, I HAVE SUFFERED FOR THIS!! (my husband & roommate will tell you they've suffered as well, and it's true, sorry!)

Last week was not nearly as bad as the first (the week we dubbed 'trial run' see previous post for details) week without sugar. All in all I've had 3 migraines and a ton of long running headaches. Not to mention the insomnia, the stomach aches, my neck muscles seizing up, the intense cranky-ness- the moodiness all around has been epic. I cry at the drop of a hat. I cry over greeting cards in the grocery store. Help me! Yikes....

This week I've got high hopes that there won't be anymore headaches but then again what if that means that it's not working as well as it should? I've had the mentality throughout this detox that I would have to suffer because that would be my indication that the nasty ol' yeasties and metals were on their way out. I've read that it's likely to be the most intensely horrible thing ever. I have suffered, not anything I don't go through regularly, just a lot more intense and all crammed together in a short period of time. All while having to go to work. I did have to leave for one of the migraines, they tend to frown on you throwing up in your cubicle...hmph.

I have to say that a new little insidious fear has creeped in, I have to wonder what Solomon is going to be able to see going on in here when this is gone and he is able to do a more intense body scan. I guess we'll just have to see. I sincerely hope I'll be able to move forward and just concentrate on a good diet & exercise more medicines or strict dietary restrictions....
(please, please, please, please, please, please, please)

It's amazing how many things contain sugar. One of the most surprising and most irritating is beef broth. BEEF BROTH OF ALL THINGS!!!'s tough. Go ahead and cut out flour too and see where that gets you! No stew without flour, damn. And while I may be able to substitute something for it let's just say I gave that whirl last week and those meals were uh, hmmm, well, practically inedible. This week looks to be going better just because I stopped trying to adapt recipes to work without my list of 'without ingredients' and just went plain and simple. Chicken veggie soup. Pretty basic. And it turned out amazingly well. I also made a beef veggie soup, bell peppers stuffed with hash browns & seasoned hamburger, Oriental spicy orange chicken and habanero hamburger patties w/ some AMAZING cheese I got from Whole Foods (it's called 'seaside cheddar' if you want to know and it's TO DIE FOR!!!)

Swan & I haven't been able to coordinate our schedules for the year & a day class for quite some time now but it was great to meet up with her this weekend and just hang out and have fun. It's been a bit of a slippery slope for her I think trying to figure out how to be my mentor and be my friend at the same time. Not knowing me she wasn't sure how that would work and if I would take advantage or if it would hinder her ability to be a teacher when there is a tough truth to be told. I think we've got that worked out though and I personally don't see any issue. I'm so blessed to have her as my friend, I wanted to hang out with her the first time I met her, I guess you could say I had a friend crush~ I could just see all the cool things we could do together, all the things we had in common, all the stuff she knows how to do that I want to learn to do, she made me excited to have friends again and that hadn't happened for me for a long time. (with the exception of my newest friend, Giggly) I've been pretty solitary these last couple of years.

On Sunday we met at her house and went sale shopping for the day- let me clarify- DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN SALE SHOPPING!!!!(okay, clearly I've got a problem with too many !!!'s, sorry, I'll calm myself now...) That's the best kind of shopping, well, next to the sales that happen right after Christmas. The part that makes it so radicool is that I love Halloween decorations and the costume shops always put all of their shoes on sale and this year I splurged and got two pair. I got a pair of knee high lace up platform black boots and a pair of black platform mary jane shoes. Whoo hooo! I also found some fantastic faux vintage Halloween stuff which I'll have to take some pics of and post.

Oh, and I haven't given up with the idea of doing some sort of a blog make-over I just haven't done enough research to figure it out...I don't want to ask anyone I know personally to help me because no one knows about this blog and I'd like to keep it that way (how else can I bitch, I mean vent, about my life without drama?)


Giggly said...

Wow! I admire your dedication lady! I am crossing my fingers and toesies with you that this is all you have to do and you'll be on your way to better!!!!!!! Never too many exclamation points. :)


Tia Colleen said...

Oh gosh, I feel your pain with the detox. I have soooo been there. It, is, hard. And the hardest part, is just wanting what we know we can't have.

My will power is next to nothing these days, and unless I absolutely can't have it, because it makes me sick in one way or another, I'll sneak it. I can't cut out sugar "just because", but if I knew it were causing yeast to take control of my body, I'd drop it in a heartbeat.

You're doing great. Keep up the good work.

Sugar is stupid anyways, haha. So is flour. I gave away with that years ago :)