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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


October is nearly over. boo.

This is my favorite month and it seems like yet again this year I've got too much stuff going on to have a real true Samhain celebration. I've been wanting to get an ancestor altar put together for my house and have people over for the last three years. Time just moves too fast. Maybe next October...

I do think I'll be joining Swan at her house for a Samhain ritual though, should be fun except that we are doing it during the day which seems....wrong I guess, Samhain rituals are for darkest night! I guess I'll take what I can get at this point~

1 comment:

Giggly said...

I know how you feel. :-/ Time is going by so fast, life just doesn't slow down! So much to do, so many important things to take care of before we can settle into a routine and rituals. ((Hugs)) One day it will slow down and we'll look back and miss these crazy busy times, but only for a second right? :)