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Monday, October 26, 2009


Well, I'm happy to report that last week is over.

The best part?

My week long headache that was punctuated by two migraines is done and gone!! Good riddance!

I'm so happy to be rid of that horrible pain, I feel like a brand new person!
Today is the first day of following Solomon's actual protocol and I'm happy to be well on my way. I feel like we spent the last week working all the kinks out and now we're really ready to make this happen. I ate a few things I shouldn't have last week (besides the food I made that had the sugar in the spices) such as canned pears from the farmer's market- why in the world did they add sugar to them? I thought for sure it was just plain fruit juice in there but apparently he puts some sugar in there, I was smart enough to ask when I went back this saturday. I didn't knowingly go outside of the diet though and for me that is what counts. No cheating at all! (Despite all of the screaming in my brain every time I would pass something sweet at the grocery store) Now I know what's what and I'm determined to avoid all sugar for these next two weeks. One tiny bit of sugar or I'm guessing any of the other foods to avoid on the list will be devastating. The yeast will survive on the tiniest bit of any of the forbidden foods and I'll be fit to be tied if I go all the way back to Indiana to see Solomon and he tells me the detox didn't work and I've still got it. But, I'm thinking positively and am just sure we'll get this licked.

I think my body has gone through the worst of it with the drastic (99.5%) reduction in sugars and all aspirin related products. I know it's hard on my brain to be cut off of it's nearly daily supply of aspirin type products but I also know from past experience that cutting off such high doses of said medicine from your blood stream will cause 'rebound headaches.' This term was new to me till last year when I read about it and decided to experiment. I went three days without any type of Excedrin or whatever and had THE WORST HEADACHE!!!! It was immediate and it was horrible. That time I wasn't really set on quitting it forever so I just gave in on the third day and used some Excedrin and within about 10 minutes the headache was completely gone. Hmmmm, funny how that works, eh? It was clear to me that I was dependant on it. Now I've gone through the sugar shakes and am past the rebound headache so maybe from here on out will be smooth sailing. (Crossing fingers...)

I was also miraculously able to do some more work on my Book of Shadows (& accompanying books) this weekend!! I'm at the crafty part where I'm picking out the different papers for the chapter breaks- I LOVE PAPER CRAFTS!!!! With the popularity of scrap booking I've been able to find the most amazing papers, it's like Christmas every time I go to the craft store. This weekend I was able to scoop up a couple of packets of mixed paper that are just divine and one of them was 40% off while the other was 50% off!! Double score!

It occurs to me I should start putting some pictures up on here. Nearly every blog I read has pictures and I think it would make a big difference. I'm not entirely sure how to do that however...also, if the picture isn't mine then how do I handle that? Do I just have to give credit for it somewhere? I better google for some blogging pointers, now that I've finally made it a priority to write on here and it seems as if there are actual real people reading (hello real people!!) I should make an effort to dress it up a bit. If anyone has suggestions that would be swell, I'm not a very computer savvy kinda gal..

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